Backwater Solutions has pioneered an accredited training program that will help to educate brokers and homeowners on the critical steps to take to protect homes from sewer backups and flooding. This innovative program is only available from Backwater Solutions and provides brokers with 2 hours of accredited CE training.
The training program, entitled: How to Reduce Flooding in Residential Homes and the Associated Insurance Costs is comprised of 10 modules, including modules on Eavestroughs, Downspouts, Lot Grading, Weeping Tile, Sump Pumps, Sewer Systems, Backwater Valves, and Adapt-a-Valves.



Each home has a distinct Water Management System, and all the components of the system are critical to protect the home. If the homeowner takes the necessary steps to care for each component, the likelihood of a flood inside the home is dramatically reduced, especially a sewer backup flood – the ugliest of them all.

According to Bill Karsten, President of the Federation of Canadian Municipalities (FCM) and Don Forgeron, President and CEO at Insurance Bureau of Canada, collaborating with the private sector to help to educate homeowners on the critical steps to take in protecting their home from water damage is an important step. The Backwater Solutions accredited training program is the first step to accomplish that.

According to Neville Pokroy, COO of Backwater Solutions, “if we train the insurance brokers to take on a more proactive role in advising their clients about the benefits of prevention, rather than only focussing on selling insurance (which is obviously still necessary), we believe that educated homeowners will become more proactive in protecting their homes. All we need is more and better communication and our course is the starting point for that”.

Given the size of the problem (insurance payouts for water related losses average $1 billion each year and according to the Insurance Bureau of Canada are forecast to increase by 2% each year. Almost 50% of payouts are preventable sewer related floods.



Starting with the insurance industry, who have the most to gain in terms of reducing payouts, Backwater Solutions believes that homeowner education starts with their insurance company and their insurance broker, who, in combination have access to every home in Canada. However, adds Pokroy, “without the education we provide, the type of education provided to homeowners will be limited and ineffective”.

Find the training program details here.